Glen Span Arch - Central Park, April 7, 2010
Rob Hickman, Andy Peterson, John Wyffels, Kyle Petersen, John Jessmon, Keith Nelson
Glen Span is the bridge to another world. Through this portal lies the Ravine and The Loch, the most secluded area of Central Park. Here the traffic noise falls away and the only sounds are the splash of the stream known as Montayne's Rivulet, which runs from the Pool to Harlem Meer to the northeast, the chirping birds and the bullfrogs.
Remember that it's an entirely artificial construct. The Pool and Harlem Meer spring from the genius of Olmsted and Vaux.
Location: take park path under West Drive, east of The Pool and west of The Loch, at about 102nd Street. Built: 1865 by Vaux. Made of gneiss and ashlar.
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